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Friday, November 28, 2008

Rain! Clouds! Thanksgiving on the road

We haven't had any rain or for that matter seen many clouds in the sky for way over a month -- as long as we have been here. The sky has been bright blue every day and the sun quite intense so even if the temperature is only in the sixties it feels like the high seventies. We could plan fishing, hiking, etc. without worrying if it was going to rain which has been great. It was starting to get a little dusty -- not bad - but just enough to notice.

The weather forecast started predicting a 30% chance of rain for the Thanksgiving holiday. Well it did start raining in the middle of the night -- on Thanksgiving. It was nice to hear rain on the roof -- waking up-- and just enjoying the sound. We left Minnesota driving through a heck of a rainstorm and thought we hadn't really missed rain. I guess we kind of did miss it because afterward when it was done the air smelled so fresh and the sky was also a lot clearer. We could see mountains in the distance we hadn't been able to see in awhile and the sunset on the lingering clouds was beautiful.

Thanksgiving at the park was very good. The owner of the RV catered a buffet and provided turkey, ham, potatoes and vegetable and everyone brought a dish to share. The park has a small clubhouse that was set up as a dining room. It was a very nice treat.

Most people in the park at the moment are moving on to Arizona to spend the rest of the winter but we hear that after Christmas the people that come, stay here until April.

1 comment:

Barbara Kuzma said...

What a nice and thankful holiday you had ... can't rain on your Thanksgiving parade! It all sounds great ...

I am writing from Ely ... we are Up North for the holiday weekend ... we trapsed through about 3-4 inches of white fluffy snow today to select our fresh balsam from the forest just outside of town ... heavens!

Only one more batch of walleyes in the freezer for a Christmas Eve treat!

I am very much enjoying your fishtales and mileposts ... :)