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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lake Michigan lighthouses

We found two more of the lighthouses along the Door County peninsula. These two are down at Sturgeon Bay on the Lake Michigan side of the peninsula. The shoreline picture is when Lake Michigan is calm.
It's been a very cold spring here -- so they tell us. The trees are finally starting to bud out and show their leaves. The cherry trees are budding out and should be in bloom any day. It should be a beautiful sight because there are large groves of them everywhere.
We drove to the top of the peninsula. The road ends at the ferry to Washington Island. We are planning to try taking the monster truck on the ferry and explore the island. We have also found some small county parks on the shore that have some beautiful views of the main body of the lake and the waters of Green Bay.
This coming week we might actually get out on the water and try some fishing. Its supposed to warm up. We've bought a bunch of charts and an electronic map chip for our fish electronics that has the western Great Lakes on it. Jim has been studying all the bouy markers and what they mean because there are a lot more kinds on Lake Michigan then we saw on the inland lakes we've navigated.


Barbara Kuzma said...

We just returned from Ely ... where it snowed off and on all day yesterday. The fish were wearing long underwear as they were pulled out of the water. But there were indeed walleyes to catch when the winds and snow let up and it was safe to be out on the lake, for crying out loud!

Door County looks gorgeous from your views ... hope you capture those cherry blossons in bloom!

Again, welcome back to The Midwest!

Mike Suek said...

It's beautiful! Enjoy your adventure and have lots of fun.
Take Care.
Mike Suek