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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Cave Pt

We did some more exploring on our days off since we couldn't fish -- the waves were 5 to 8 feet high-- too much for us. CavePoint County Park has the rock formations with the holes along the shoreline. It's on the Lake Michigan side of the peninsula next to White Sands State Park. It's a small park but very pretty like most of the county parks here and the county parks are all free. We were surprised to see the beaches were closed on the lakeside due to Ecoli bacteria.
I also took a picture of Bailey's Harbor. Its a cute little town on the Lake Michigan side north of CavePoint park. All of the boats tied up in the marina there were rigged for salmon and lake trout fishing. We aren't really interested in this kind of fishing and we didn't pay the extra money for stamps to be able to catch them. Neither one of us like lake trout and don't like salmon enough to go after them. We also don't want to go out on the "big" lake --- the waters of Green Bay are plenty big enough.
The picture with grass on either side of water is a picture of the canal through Sturgeon Bay that dumps out into Lake Michigan. Its manmade and allows ships to cut through Sturgeon Bay to get from Green Bay to Lake Michigan. Ships had to go up and around the tip of the peninsula before it was cut and navigate through waters called Death's Door. Lots of shipwrecks there before the days of modern navigation.

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