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Monday, January 18, 2010

Open Water

We haven't been able to fish -- too cold, windy and a couple of days of drizzle with one day of actual rain. They tell us the fish go really deep when it turns cold and we don't like to pull them out of really deep water. A fishes air bladder will blow up being pulled up from way down deep because of the pressure change and they usually don't survive. We practice catch and release so we don't want our fish to die.
There was a big tournament on the lake this past weekend. The average catch by the pros was 8 pounds per fish. Huge fish being caught pretty deep. They actually take a needle and poke the air bladder to deflate it to keep the fish alive. We aren't convinced this works but we hope so with the number of large fish that were caught and then released back into the lake.
The pictures of the water were all taken at the the spur 454 boat launch area. This is where they released all the fish. We might try fishing this area just to see if the fish will hang out here or go back deep quickly.

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