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Monday, February 28, 2011

History in Granite

We went to this outdoor museum called History in Granite. It is a few miles into Calfornia from Yuma -- out in the middle of nowhere. It is an amazing place with rows of granite walls. Each wall has a different part of world history on it. The history starts at the beginning of time and eventually will go through all of the ages of man. History of different countries is in the original language with english on the bottom.
The detail etched in the granite is incredible. There is also a chapel you can see on the hill and a small pyramid (not shown). If you pay the extra $3 you can go in the pyramid and then get a certificate saying you have been to the center of the world. I also took a picture of the "Arm of God" that is used as a sundial and points at the time. They don't have many of the walls done yet but it will be impressive when its all done. There are better pictures of the place on line -- just type in history in granite

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