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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Quartzite Rock Alignment

A little north of Quartzite is this rock alignment. It is a Q and an arrow that you can kind of see from the ground but it was meant to be seen from the air. It was made when General Pattons troops were out here in the desert training. It pointed the way to Quartzite so the pilots wouldn't get lost during training. We stayed at this Rv Park and the building that the park office and cafe were in was actually General Pattons headquarters.

We had a really good time while staying at Blackrock and everyone we met there was very nice. As it gets closer to November more and more people are coming back to their winter home. There are signs everywhere welcoming the snow birds back. Its finally starting to cool off to the low 80's during the day and mid 50's at night. When we first got here it was in the 100's during the day and the low 80's at night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and write-ups.
Trudy and I are also in the south and loving the warm sunny beaches and riding.
Keep living the dream.
Greg and Trudy