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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Water Toys!

Jim is in heaven because he gets to keep our boat on a boat lift.  That means we can uncover it, lower into the water and off we go fishing.  The boat is nice and secure sitting on the boat lift when storms come up it -- doesn't get beat against the dock.  The resort has every kind of water toy for the kids and the adults enjoy them too.  The most popular water toys are the giant slide and launcher.  You have to see a kid getting launched off of the big yellow thing to see how it works.  The other water tower is a trampoline and swing. 

If that wasn't enough there are canoes, kayaks, paddleboards, kid size kayaks, water bikes and a paddleboat.  The kids just need a life jacket and they can take any of these things and go for a paddle or ride.  We only require adult supervision when they are on the water tower toys.  There is a small rock pile just past the water towers that the kids paddle out to and go on shore.  They spend hours out there so we call it day care island.  The parents like it becuase they can still see the kids and the kids think it is a great adventure. 

We also do Kids Quest twice a week.  Jim and I do one session and we have them make some crafts.  We learned how to make bird and duck calls at the refuge so we have them make those and we also have them make a bird feeder.  Its easy and they seem to get a kick out of it. 

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