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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Voyager's National Park Campsite

We checked out a few campsites that are on the islands out in Lake Kabetogama.  This one was on one of the Grassy Islands.  It was very nice with a grill, picnic table and food locker (to keep the bears from getting your food) and also a nice tent pad in the grass.  This site was nice because you could sit out on the picnic table and catch a breeze which helps keep the bugs off.   The other thing that most camping sites have is a wilderness toilet.  It's an outhouse without the house.  You don't need the house because these are all in the woods at least a hundred feet from the campsite and very private  -- but bring your own toilet papet.

Our resort is called Northern Lights Resort and Outfitters.  The only outfitting we do is rent canoes and kayaks to those who want to go camp on the islands for a few days or a week or two.  We don't have much else that you would need to actually camp.  You need to bring your own tent, sleeping bags, stove, food, etc.  There used to be a guy who had an actual outfitting business on the lake but he retired and no one else was interested in the business.  Its too bad because we get a lot of requests for this kind of service. 

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