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Monday, February 10, 2014

Hillbilly Goldpanning

Guess what happens when you get really bored - you will try anything.  Jim saw a Youtube video on how you could find gold in a bag of Quickcrete.  So we went to the local Home Depot and bought a bag of Quickcrete sand-- the all purpose sand not the play sand kind.  We ran it through our gold wheel and did find some black sand.  Gold will stick to black sand because black sand is pretty heavy just not as heavy as gold.  There was also some nice little pieces of quartz -- all good signs of potential gold.  So the idea isn't as crazy as it sounds and in the Youtube video the guy did find some tiny specks of gold.  I guess it just depends on where the sand comes from -- obviously our bag wasn't from the right place. 

The weather got fairly cold and wet down here - hovering in the low 30's for almost two days.  The whole Rio Grand valley was on notice to be prepared for rolling blackouts because the power company couldn't keep up with demand.  We were lucky -- we only had a few hours where the power was on and off -- of course right during primetime tv watching.  We can run our furnace on battery power for awhile but we really don't want to find out how long the batteries would last. 

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