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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Odessa Meteor Crater

Being so close to Odessa we had to go check out the meteor crater.  Its a national monument with a free museum.  The museum was very interesting with everything you ever wanted to know about meteors and once they either enter our atmosphere or hit the ground (not sure which) they are meteorites.  Lots of information on the most important meteorites around the world.  Lots of them are found in the deserts of Africa -- black pieces of rock stand out in all that sand.  There was even info on the meteor that struck in Russia last year --- so they keep their information very current.  You learn what kinds of minerals are in most of these rocks.  Most are just stony but some have pretty black or green crystals.  They had a few small meteorites for sale and for a small piece of rock they are at least forty dollars.  I guess they are valuable because people want to own a piece of something that came from outer space.

The crater itself is not impressive -- just a depression in the ground.  It is one of the oldest meteor craters in the country so it has eroded and filled in over time.  I would not go out of my way to see it.  Your much better off going to meteor crater in Arizona off of I-40 by Winslow. 

We are two weeks away from heading north.  Can't wait to start fishing again! 

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