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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Skinning Palm Trees

Jim is learning a new skill.  The manager of the park decided that the palm trees should be skinned.  In the past if someone wanted the palm tree in front of their site skinned they had to pay a local Mexican to do it.  Now the maintenance guys, Jim, are learning how to do it.  You can see in the top picture where the palm fronds have been trimmed over the years as the tree has grown.  It leaves the husks of the fronds sticking out of the trunk.  So to get the nice smooth look of a palm tree trunk you have to skin it.  You start at the bottom on hands and knees cutting deeply into the woody husks.  Then you start peeling it going around and around and up and up the tree.  Its really hard work. 

Jim asked the local Mexican guy what he charges to do it -- thinking he'd pay the guy to do it for him -- he gets $80.00 a tree.  So when one of the residents of the park asked Jim what he would charge to skin his tree Jim said $5,000.  Of course the guy said he thought that was too steep and Jim said it was $80.00 and the rest was for pain and suffering. 

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