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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Yuma Lettuce Days

Yuma just celebrated lettuce days.  They've had this festival since 1998.  Yuma grows 90% of the leafy vegetables that supply the US during the winter months.   The agriculture here is amazing.  They grow new lettuce every 21 days.  There are crops I've never seen growing before like artichokes and celery.  They also grow a lot of crops for seed.  During the festival they have tours of farm fields and salad tasting.  There is a celebrity chef doing vegetable carvings and whipping up some interesting taste treats out of the leafy greens.

Everyone here is madly enjoying the sun and heat before they have to head back north.  The pool is full everyday and everyone is out biking or walking.  Every afternoon there are groups getting together to enjoy cocktails on their patios.  The buying and selling of RV's, houses and park model homes is in high gear.  The deals are pretty good with lots of Canadians practically giving their stuff away because they can no longer afford to come down.  Of course they were buying everything up back in 2008 when our economy was tanking. 

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