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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Black Hills Elk

We traveled from Bemidji, MN down the east side of North and South Dakota.  It was so nice to travel good roads with little traffic and almost no road construction.  We would have had to fight bumpy roads, lots of traffic and loads of road construction if we had gone south through Minnesota.  We then cut across South Dakota and are spending time in the Black Hills.  We've been driving through Custer State Park early in the mornings and have been seeing all kinds of wildlife.  We were even lucky enough to see this herd of Elk as we drove the Wildlife Loop road through the park.  The big guy in the center of the photos was obviously the top bull.  He chased all the other males out of his way.

We also saw lots of pronghorn antelope, deer and mule deer, mountain bluebirds, western meadowlarks, a badger, lots of cute little black tailed prairie dogs, wild burros and buffalo.  I really don't like the wild burros.  They hang out on the road hoping you will feed them.  They don't want to move out of the way so I just collapsed the mirrors on the truck and crept through the throng.  They will move when forced.    We aren't sure how long we will hang around here but when we decide to move we will probably head over to Wyoming and then down through Colorado.  If the weather hold out.

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