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Monday, June 5, 2017

Wildlife Canyon Scenic Byway

We took a drive along this scenic byway and followed it until we came to the little town of Lowman.  The drive follows a river that is known for great rafting.  People pay to take guided rafting trips just like the ones you can take in the Grand Canyon.  The rapids are pretty intimidating especially right now with the water so high from snow melt.  The drive is beautiful through the canyon along the river and then goes through a mountain valley that is used for a farming and cattle grazing area.   If you follow the route all the way to Lowman you go through the national forest region that burned recently.  You see burnt pines up and down the mountain sides.  There were landslides over the winter that came down onto the road caused by the loss of trees holding the soil in place.  Road crews were cleaning up the road and putting barriers in place.  I can't imagine driving through here in the winter. 

The campground is almost full now with the folks that stay for the whole summer.  I don't blame them for keeping their RVs here and just driving back and forth.  Most live in the Boise area and down in the "valley" where they live it gets very hot.  Up here in the mountains its at least ten degrees or more cooler.  Plus you don't have to fight the Friday traffic driving your rig up the winding, busy road.  We had lots of late arrivals this past Friday because of heavy traffic and road construction down in the "valley".   

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