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Monday, May 2, 2022

Quartz veins

 On the left side of the hole you can see a large hunk of white rock.  That is a part of the quartz vein some old prospectors must have been following.  The tailing piles around the hole are littered with smashed quartz.  Sometimes gold follows along the quartz vein.  The hole is deep enough that you would have to go down in it to see how far back it goes but that is very dangerous to do let alone illegal.  I can't imagine anyone wanting to check it out with scorpions and snakes waiting for you in there.

Speaking of snakes -- a sidewinder (a kind of rattlesnake) parked itself under an rv here in the RV park we are staying at in Quartzsite.  The fire department was called to come and get it which they did quite promptly.  One morning I noticed a coyote laying down right outside the back gate looking like someone's pet dog.  He was resting while waiting for a quail or rabbit to come by and be his breakfast.  Other people have seen a large bobcat cruising along the back fence looking for a meal.  The back of the park is up against a large wash where the wildlife feel safe to roam even though it is in the middle of town.  

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