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Saturday, November 19, 2022

Cotton and Mining



Arizona is known for the four c's, copper, cactus, copper and cotton.  I was surprised about the cattle and cotton but when it gets too hot in the summer they raise cotton instead of lettuce in the southern part of the state.  Here in Yuma there is a cotton gin.  The area around these mounds of cotton looks like it snowed with the ground covered  in white.   They gin the cotton and bale it and probably ship it to China. like everything else these days.  

The top picture is the entrance to a mine up by Quartzsite.  We aren't sure what kind of mine it was either copper, gold or silver.  There were warning sings not to enter the area.  There were all kinds of hazards listed but the scary one was hazardous gasses.  You don't want to get close to that because you would be dead before you realize there is a problem with the air.  

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