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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Muggins Mountains Wilderness

We went on another hike with our "hiking club". This time we went to the Muggins Mountains Wilderness which is just a little north of our park. The scenery was fabulous. We got to see some "water tanks". These were natural water tanks. They are just deep holes in the rock along the bottom of a wash where water can collect. Miners that were in the area in the past also created some of their own tanks by making the holes deeper or wider.
I took a picture of Muggins Peak. If you look closely at the picture with people -- Jim is on the far right. We were looking down into one of the holes. The third picture is of an Ironwood Tree. The wood of this tree is what everyone tries to collect here but you have to find the pieces that have dried to almost stone or else they just rot and turn to dust.
We had a great Christmas Dinner at the park. Our table had four couples and we each brought our favorite recipe. It was all very good -- ate too much -- but thats part of Christmas!

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