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Monday, February 21, 2011

Spook Canyon

Our hike this past week took us to Spook Canyon. It is in the Gila Mountains and in order to get there you have to travel inside the Barry Goldwater military range -- by permit only-- which is nice becasue there are never many people out there.
The canyon gets it's name from the spooky lights you can see there on a moonless night. They think that the rocks give off something that causes the "lights". It's like seeing the aurora in the northern night sky.
It was a beautiful canyon with steep walls and you could see where big boulders have come down. There were also saguaro cactus growing right out of the rock in the steep walls.
We were thinking that the name of spook canyon is because the canyon is narrow and if there were an earthquake it would be dangerous (spooky) to be there. Of course on Sunday we did get to feel our first earthquake. -- just a slight sway to the trailer -- like a big gust of wind hit it.

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