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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cute Babies

I have to say sorry to all those who got an email from us that was spam.  It didn't do anything bad to our computer so hopefully no one else had problems. 

We finally have baby ducks to admire around the resort.  I missed the baby loon or I would have gotten his picture.  Jim also saw a mother merganser duck with babies on her back  -- missed that one too.   These pictures are of baby mallards and the black and white ducklings are goldeneyes.  They are so cute when they are little.  They have to survive death from above (eagles) and death from below (northern pike). 

Summer is in full swing with all the families pouring into the resort.  The fishing is still good with some huge fish caught last week.  One guest seemed to have the knack -- he caught a 28 and a 29 inch Walleye  -- very nice.  We caught enough fish to have a fish fry for our fellow workampers.  One couple is from Louisiana and had never tasted fresh walleye.  They are still getting used to working at a fishing resort.  She never thought she would be saying --"someone left worms and leeches in the frig for anyone to take". 

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