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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Parting Shots

We will end up staying a week longer than we planned to here at the resort.  Jim agreed to help the owner move bales of hay.  Those great big round bales  -- they use machinery -- so its not physically challenging like it used to be.  Jim was driving a little bobcat/skidsteer to move bales and the thing died when he had a bale in its clutches.  So the arms of the bobcat blocked the door.  It took him over an hour to figure out how to get out of the thing.  The emergency hatch was behind him and there isn't any room to really turn your body around inside the thing but he finally managed to get out.

I took some pictures of our campsite for the summer.  It was a very nice site -- very long so everything fit and a beautiful side yard between us and the road.  It was a very pretty place to stay for the summer but now its time to hit the road.  We plan to go through Teddy Roosevelt National Park and then spend some time in the Black Hills.  If the weather holds up we will zip through Wyoming and then down the east side of Flaming Gorge and down the east side of Utah.  We want to hit Arches and Canyonlands National Park and then Monument Valley.  Hit Flagstaff, AZ and go south from there stopping to visit friends along the way to Yuma. 

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