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Monday, July 31, 2017

Huckleberry Time

The huckleberries are ripe.  Everyone is crazy about them.  Its a big deal around here to go berry picking.  People come to the area to spend several days picking as many berries as they can.  One group of ladies who stayed with us picked 3 gallons.  You just find a forest or logging road up in the mountains and you are bound to find them.  We picked our first batch but weren't certain they were huckleberries.  We brought them back to the park and yes we had found them.  I have enough in the freezer to add to muffins, coffee cakes and waffles (or ice cream).

Even though the locals all deny it I think they do taste like a blueberry (almost but not quite.)  They grow on taller bushes than blueberries and don't get as big-- at least not the ones we found.  The bushes aren't scratchy and there aren't thirsty mosquitoes trying to get a drink from you so it is much easier than picking berries in Minnesota.

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