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Monday, November 6, 2017

Creepy Crawlers

Had to get a new hard drive for my computer so I had it in to the Geek Squad for a few days.  The camera is also having issues so its in being fixed -- maybe-- it may be too old.  My WIFI hotspot died so I thought I would get a smartphone with hotspot already in it.  Now I'm using my phone for pictures and can use it for WIFI.  It was lucky I had the phone or I would have missed taking a picture of Mr. Tarantula.  I was sitting outside on the patio and he came crawling right toward me. 
He went under the 5th wheel and tried to hide but Jim hit him with the water hose.  He came out from underneath so I captured him in a coffee can.  I took him down the road to the open desert and let him go. I guess its migration time for the tarantulas.  They aren't poisonous and they don't bite but they can jump at least six feet and they can fling tiny hairs on their back that are irritating.  They don't  creep me out so much anymore.

We have had a few beautiful sunsets and sunrises.  Its cooling off a bit.  Its only in the 80's now.  We are trying to find a little gold and have had a little bit of luck.  After last year and the dirt being too wet we have decided to dig like mad while we can.  It usually rains sometime in December -- just enough to make the ground too wet to use a dry washer. 

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