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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Birds of a Feather

When we were in Southeastern Arizona on our way to Yuma for the winter we saw these birds near the campground.  The top picture shows Scaled Quail.  They have a funny little "cotton top" on their head and they are more of a blue color than the Gambel's quail we usually see.  It was the first time we have seen this kind of quail although their territory is Colorado, western Kansas, Oklahoma and Arizona.

The bottom picture has a scaled quail and to it's left is a Curved Bill Thrasher.  This is another bird that likes deserty places.  It needs the big curved bill to peck at the very hard parched earth. 

Now that we are back in Yuma we have a couple of Cactus wrens hanging around and they love to eat the bugs that have died on parts of the truck.  They love to get the "grilled" ones off of the radiator. 

Yuma is starting to fill up for the winter.  You can tell by how much the traffic is building.  It gets busy but you just can't beat the weather.  It's in the 80's during the day and 50's at night.

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