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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just spinning our wheels

We are parked in Yuma and we are staying put until at least the end of April.  We are supposed to be going to an RV park in the little town of  Marysvale, Utah for the summer.  We aren't working there just going to enjoy the mountains and to ride our 4wheeler.  We aren't going there until mid May.  Hopefully by then things will have calmed down.   I had to show a picture of the RV with spinning wheels that might aunt had.   We were given it as a remembrance of her and the wheels do spin nicely but like us they aren't going anywhere soon.  Our friends are also staying until the end of April and have had tomato plants growing so we know where we can get some. 

All of the Canadians left here in a rush when their government told them all to get back or risk having no health insurance.   You can still go to Mexico from here to get to the dentist or get your medications but we hear its kind of a ghost town because people are afraid they won't be let back in the US.   All of the RV parks here have closed their recreation centers and all activities.  All you can do is sit outside and enjoy the sun or watch tv. 

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