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Thursday, July 29, 2021

National Forest Critters

If you look at the top picture you will see a bear standing next to the tree.  He is covered by some branches but you can see his lighter colored snout.  He came out of the woods and spotted us.  We were sitting a little ways away from a water tank filled with water.  At the time that was the only water in the area because of the drought so the animals were coming to the tank to get a drink.  We figured if we sat quietly eventually something would come in for a drink.  The bear saw us and then tried hiding behind the tree.  He then peeked at us from around the tree.  It was cute but we made sure we were ready to hop in the 4wheeler and get out quickly if he got aggressive.  We knew he must be pretty thirsty so we left and hoped he got his drink.  

The mule deer are plentiful and we always see a few every time we go out.  Now that the drought is over we can't sit by a water tank and wait for the critters to come to us.  We have to ride around and seek them out.  We have seen several small herds of elk.  They are always too fast to get pictures but I will keep trying.  We have seen turkeys and coyotes.  We are seeing more coyotes now that there are more rabbits hopping around the forest.  The forest is very green now after almost 7 inches of rain.  We now know what the monsoon season is like and are hoping it is over soon.


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