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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Lady Slippers

We went to Ellison Bay Bluffs County Park and along the road at the entrance to the park was a mass of blooming yellow lady slippers. They were so huge they looked like I could slip one on my feet. If you haven't ever seen them they really do have a hollowed out center just like a real slipper.
I have only seen pink lady slippers twice in the wild and that was up along the Canadian border.
We had more great fishing although this fish was smaller than the last. I caught two this size -- about 3lb fish but Jim caught the most fish. We actually lost count and I almost ran out of bait. The bass are still in spawning mode and they were biting like mad. It's strange because back in March we were fishing during the bass spawn and now we are at it again. It's great to enjoy the spring season twice without having to go through a winter!

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