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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Lake MacDonald

We got some great pictures of Lake MacDonald in Glacier National Park. The bears also were out foraging close to the road so we got some pictures. This black bear had a beautiful coat. We also saw a tan colored one that had a shaggy coat and a few other black bears. Grizzly bears have a slight hump behind the neck. They like more open meadows which are found on the east side of Glacier. I'm not sure if we will get to the east side.

Glacier -- at least what we've gotten to see -- is breathtaking. The snow has been melting rapidly since we got here. It may all be gone in a few weeks -- it's only July -- for goodness sake. We are going to have to give up the idea of fishing anywhere along the Missouri river on the east side of the state. The water isn't going to go down until August.

It is finally summer -- our first days in the 80's so we are just kicking back and enjoying it for awhile. Although we are trying to line up a job for the winter in Arizona. If something comes up that sounds good for the rest of the summer we may take it.

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