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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Swinging Bridge

The Kootenai River runs along Highway 2 south of the Libby Dam. It's still running pretty high and fast. There is a pullout along the highway where there is a county park that follows the river. There are two famous things to see along the river. The Swinging Bridge is a pedestrian bridge that goes over the river. We walked across it and all I could thing of was that Indiana Jones movie where they went across a bridge like it with the water far below and the water was full of alligators. This bridge isn't that high and there are no gators but it did bend and swing as you walked.

The other famous site is the Kootenai Falls. The falls are wide and don't look that high until you get up close to them. This part of the river was supposedly in one of the scenes in the movie "A River Wild" with Meryl Streep and Kevin Bacon. I want to rent that movie and see if I can spot them.

We are doing some gold panning and finding a few specs. It's fun and to get to the gold panning area you have to drive up the side of a mountain -- a very beautiful drive.

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