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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Baby Hummingbirds

Jim found a hummingbird nest when he was trimming some Oleander bushes.  Such a tiny little nest and theirs mom sitting on it .  The nest stretches to make room for the babies as they grow.  We managed to get some pictures of the babies after they hatched.  The beaks on the newborns are short but as they grew you could see their beaks growing longer and longer. 
 There are some other birds that have a nest in a palm tree across the street from us.  The palm tree has never been trimmed so it has lots of dead palms hanging down.  The birds have managed to find a place in the dead palms to make a nest.  They've been squawking and flying in and out of the nest but we can't ever get a good look at them to see what kind of birds they are.                                                                                        
Its hard to believe that its nesting season down here when you consider how cold and snowy it is out east.  

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