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Sunday, March 29, 2015

Roadrunner ---- Beep - Beep

For the past few days there has been a roadrunner running through the park.  He is hunting -- lizards are one of his favorite lunches.  People will put out hamburger for them.  They are meat eaters.

 Its hot here now -- in the 90's -- close to 100 -- so people are leaving in droves.  We will be leaving April 1st.  We always get so antsy to be moving on to our next adventure after a whole season in one spot.  There is always so much to do before heading out.  We get the truck serviced, we get everything washed -- you can't wash things yourself the water is too hard and just leaves spots.  There are many mobile rv wash businesses that come and wash your rv, etc with soft water and wipe it so it doesn't spot and its cheap.  We have our mail stopped, we stock up on hard too find things and we have to put all of our knick knacks away.  We also had to repack the boat to get it ready to put in storage.  

So lots to do and it has to get done early in the day because its just too hot.   They say its 12 degrees above normal here which is a big difference when your looking at 100 versus mid 80's.   Of course when we look at temps in Nevada its still below freezing at night so we aren't going too far north for awhile. 

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