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Monday, December 12, 2016

Pictures from earlier travels

I sent out my Christmas letter and put photos on the back.  I was able to send them to everyone on my list this year because I found a less expensive way to make lots of copies.  Anyone that has printed pictures with their printer knows how much expensive ink it takes.  I used the local UPS store to make copies and I got a small discount through working at Al's.  They gave me some pointers on how to have even better quality pictures on my copies next year. 
These two pictures that are in the letter were from our stop in the Black Hills on the way south this fall.  The pronghorn seem to like to pose for pictures but the coyotes were very busy looking for a meal.  When we got to the prairie dog village it was obvious that the coyotes needed to thin that population out a little.   Coyotes get a bum rap because they also prey on loose small dogs and cats and small farm animals.  They do play an important role in keeping certain small wild animal populations in check.  I would never get close to a cute little prairie dog because bubonic plague loves to hang out in these groups. 
We enjoyed fall colors on our trip south and now it feels like fall in Yuma.  There is some fall color with a few kinds of trees turning orange.  Christmas is coming fast and I don't need snow and cold for it to feel like the season!  

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