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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Arizona Sunsets Again

Yeah, we are back in the land of beautiful sunsets.  We moved from Wickenburg to Quartzsite where we will be staying for a few weeks.  We joined the local prospecting club and have started looking for gold on one of the claims.  When we got here everyday was about 105 degrees and the nights only got down in the 80's.  Now its started to cool down to the high 80's, lower 90's and in the 70's at night -- much better.  We feel like we finally are enjoying summer after being cold in Alaska. 

A few people are starting to trickle down from up north besides us.  So we aren't the only crazy ones coming here this early.  With any luck and some hard work digging we hope to find a little gold while we are here.  So we are happy that its cooled down enough to go out in the desert!

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