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Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hi Jolly -- Camel Herder

This is the tomb of Hi Jolly.  He came to Quartzsite in the 1800's and the U.S. Army had him herd camels.  They did an experiment to see if camels would work in this desert to haul supplies.  It probably would have worked out but they didn't give it much of a try.  Hi Jolly came over from Syria and his name was Americanized to Hi Jolly because that is what it sounded like in English.   Below the plaque on the tomb is a bronze time capsule.  It is said to contain the ashes of his camel.

The rock that makes up the tomb is local rock.  The top is white quartz and then their is blue domerterite (close to the right spelling) and below that the darker colored rock is all petrified wood and then another layer of quartz and then some harder stone as the base. 

This tomb is the centerpiece of the main cemetery in Quartzsite.  It is all very neat and carefully tended which is a surprise.  If you have been through Quartzsite it looks like a scary down and out little town.  There are a few nice areas in town you just have to look.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth and Jim
The New Christy Minstrels did a song called Hi Jolly, if you listen to it you will know it's about what you posted.
We are so blessed to be able to do what we are doing, keep living the good life,
Greg and Trudy