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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gold Mining

We have been out digging in the dirt twice now.  You can see our drywasher and the hole we've made digging in an old tailings pile.   We went out Thanksgiving morning and there were a couple of campers set up in this little canyon.  Camping is a big activity down here over Thanksgiving because its a nice long weekend for those who work and/or go to school.   Camping doesn't seem to have the same appeal up north over Thanksgiving.   Seeing the cold, rain, ice and snow that hit the center of the country I now remember why. 

I took a part time job at a local RV parts store working as a cashier.  Its one of the few jobs in Yuma that you don't have to be bilingual.  Its kind of fun helping people figure out what they need to fix their rigs.  Most of what they need down here are plastic parts that have disintegrated in the harsh sun and heat.   

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