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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Views from Imperial Wildlife Refuge

We went out to Imperial National Wildlife Refuge to visit our old stomping grounds.  We got to see the manager and a few of the workers we knew when we volunteered out there three years ago.  We also ran into volunteers that we worked with three years ago.  They were back at the refuge after taking a winter off from there.  We would go back but they have gotten rid of the bookstore at the visitor center and they don't have any outdoor projects going on so there just isn't much to do. 
The aerostat (white balloon) is just like the one that broke its tether out on the east coast and traveled all the way to Pennsylvania.  The tether dragging beneath it caused all kinds of damage.   This one is on the ground and we could always see it from our old  RV space at the refuge. 

The other picture shows the mountains on the California side of the river.   Piccacho Peak is sticking up in the middle of the picture.  It was our favorite view when we lived on the refuge.  There was a lot to like living out there --- it was quiet and the stargazing was fabulous with the dark skies.  Now we live right in town next to the freeway -- lots of lights all night and noisy during the day.  Although we do have wildlife in our RV park here in town.  There is a fox living in the park.  He is getting very used to people and eating his weight in mice and rats.   

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